
We offer a variety of integrations designed to enhance your team's workflow within Asana. Whether you need to streamline task management, improve communication, or automate project assignments, Astogi has you covered with our growing collection of integrations.

On this page, you can explore our available integrations and pick and choose the ones that best fit your team's needs. Simply select the integration you want to try out and follow the instructions to install it in your Asana account.

Ready to get started? Simply invite the listed Asana user into your project to enable the ingration. It is as simple as that!

Use Astogi's integrations to improve collaboration within your team.

Auto numbering

With Astogi's Auto Numbering integration, each task in your project is assigned a unique task number. This makes it easy to reference specific tasks when communicating with team members or updating commit messages.

  • Keeps task numbers organized and sequential
  • Makes it easy to reference specific tasks when communicating with team members
  • Provides a clear and easy-to-understand way to track progress on a project
  • Asana user:
Use Astogi's integrations to improve collaboration within your team.
Use Astogi's integrations to improve collaboration within your team.

Ask ChatGPT

Astogi's Ask ChatGPT integration allows team members to ask questions directly within a task in Asana. This integration is powered by OpenAI's language processing technology, which provides helpful and accurate responses to queries.

  • Saves time by allowing team members to ask questions within Asana, rather than switching to another app
  • Provides quick and accurate responses to questions
  • Helps team members stay on task and avoid distractions
  • Asana user:

Round Robin

Astogi's Round Robin integration ensures that tasks are evenly distributed among team members in a project. This means that no single team member is overburdened with work, and that everyone has a chance to contribute.

  • Helps balance workload among team members
  • Ensures that everyone has a chance to contribute to the project
  • Makes it easy to manage large projects with many team members
  • Asana user:
Use Astogi's integrations to improve collaboration within your team.
Use Astogi's integrations to improve collaboration within your team.

Team Alias

With Astogi's Team Alias integration, it's easy to keep your team up-to-date on the progress of a specific task. By assigning a team alias to a task, everyone on the team can follow along and provide updates as needed.

  • Ensures that everyone on the team is aware of the progress of a task
  • Provides an easy way to collaborate and communicate on a task
  • Helps keep the project moving forward and on track
  • Asana user:

Team Collaborators

Astogi's Team Collaborators integration makes it easy to keep multiple teams up-to-date on the progress of a specific task. By assigning team collaborators to a task, everyone who needs to be involved can stay informed and contribute as needed.

  • Allows multiple teams to collaborate on a single task
  • Ensures that everyone who needs to be involved is informed and up-to-date
  • Provides an easy way to manage complex projects with multiple teams involved
  • Asana user:
Use Astogi's integrations to improve collaboration within your team.
Use Astogi's integrations to improve collaboration within your team.

Your custom integration

We know that every business has unique needs when it comes to project management. That's why we offer a service to build custom integrations specifically for your team. We will work closely with you to understand your requirements and create a solution that meets your needs. We believe in providing value for our customers, which is why we take the time to ensure that every integration we build is tailored to your business. If you're interested in a custom integration, please contact us to discuss your needs.

  • Made just for your company
  • Improve your worklfow
  • Removes obstacles

Need help?

If you have any question or need support, feel free to contact us, our team is always happy to come up with the best solutions to your problems.

Need assistance with setting up your project?

Visit our support page