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This page will guide you in finding answers to the frequently asked questions.
How can I create a project in Astogi?
After registering your account, you can visit the projects section in the side panel on the left side of your screen. Within this view you have a button with “Create project”. After clicking the button, you can set the information of your project and create it with one click.
For how long will Astogi be free?
Astogi will always have a free version for users who want to try Astogi. Furthermore, if you want to use Astogi for an opensource or non profit project, please send us an email!
Which git clients are supported?
Currently Astogi only supports Github and Bitbucket. Gitlab is currently being worked on.
Can I change my Pricing plan?
You can always change your pricing plan via the admin panel or by contacting us through info@astogi.com
Do I have to invite the Astogi Asana user to my workspace?
This step is optional and is only required for people who don't want to receive the Git commit notifications via their own account.
What if I don't want to invite the Astogi Asana user to my workspace?
We understand that inviting an user outside of your organisation is a big step, especially when Asana doesn't give us a way to limit the scope of this user. If you are concerned about this, you can always create a new Asana user yourself which is exclusively used to send notifications. When connecting Astogi to Asana, just make sure that you connect this separate user.
When are unique IDs assigned to a task?
It doesn't matter how a task is created, or moved between projects. The moment a new task is added to a project or created in a project Astogi will check if the task has been seen before. If it has, Astogi will assign the previous ID. If it hasn't Astogi will create a new unique ID based on your settings.
Where am I able to find the unique task ID that is being assigned by Astogi?
All unique task IDs are prepended at the beginning of the task title. This way, you can easily see all unique IDs of the tasks in a project.
When do I get a notification from Git?
If you added your Asana project in Astogi, and coupled this to your Git repository we will track the commit messages being made. Whenever we find a commit message that does include one of the unique IDs in the coupled Asana project, we will send a notification to that task. That way all followers will get notified of the activity in that task.
You can try Astogi for free on your first project. Need more? Get more for just €29/month.
If you have any question or need support, feel free to contact us, our team is always happy to come up with the best solutions to your problems.
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